Anxiety can be a temporary reaction or it can be constant companion.  It can be directed at either a specific situation (such as your finances) or it can be a general, free-floating feeling of worry and dread. 

Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways.  The following are just a few of the many indicators that you are likely feeling anxious:

  • excessive or non-stop worry about something specific or life in general

  • panic attacks

  • phobias

  • nail biting

  • teeth grinding

  • constant muscle tension

  • sweating

  • tension headaches

  • upset stomach

  • worsening of symptoms of chronic physical conditions

Hypnosis can help you with your anxiety.  You can also learn techniques to use outside the session that can help you to reduce and manage your anxiety in the moment.  These techniques will become more and more effective the more you practice them.

Hypnotherapy for Anxiety