Hypnotherapy for anxiety, stress reduction, relaxation and more…

Hello! My name is Amy Nelson-Mile, and I’m a Certified Professional Hypnotist and a Certified Integrative Medical Hypnotist. 

Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural option for working with many of the physical, mental, and emotional concerns that you may have.  I practice online over Zoom so that you can attend sessions from the comfort of your own home.

Please note that medical hypnosis is used to support your professional physical and mental health care, not to replace it.  I expect all clients with medical conditions to have seen their professional care provider(s) in advance of seeing me and to continue to work with them and to continue any prescribed treatment until they direct otherwise.



Does anxiety reduce your enjoyment of life?  Do you worry about something specific or have general free-floating anxiety that never leaves you?   Hypnosis can help you to break free from this and begin to embrace a life with a calmer mental state.

Stress Reduction

Do you find yourself constantly stressed? Do you notice your jaw clenched, a headache pounding, or any one of a number of other tell-tale signs of stress?  Hypnosis can help you learn simple techniques that will help give you relief.


Tension aggravates our physical conditions and emotional states, so using hypnosis to help you relax can improve your physical and emotional health.  I can teach you simple self-hypnosis techniques that will help to reduce your tension.

Proud Member of…

About Me (she/her)

Welcome! My practice focusses on adults and covers a wide range of topics.  I have a gentle, relaxed, non-directive approach.

 As well as my original training, I have received two other certifications, one for integrative medical hypnosis and one for insomnia.  I also have additional training in autoimmune diseases and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 

I have hundreds of hours of experience and enjoy my work.

I look forward to meeting with you to discover how I can help you.

The hypnotic state is a natural focussed state similar to times when we’ve been so deeply absorbed in something—maybe when we’re busy with a hobby, working out a problem, or daydreaming—that we aren’t aware of the world around us and might not even hear someone come into the room.

During hypnosis, we move into this focussed state and then we use our imagination to bypass the conscious mind and engage our subconscious mind.  By using hypnosis in this way, we can make more rapid changes than we could by using willpower alone.

About Hypnotherapy

What To Expect In Your Work With Me

To begin, we will have a brief (20 minute) complimentary consult call in which you tell me what you are hoping to have help with and I tell you what you can expect.  If it feels like a fit, we can schedule our sessions.

 I have a client intake form that I ask you to fill out when you book.  Doing so in a timely manner will allow me prepare to help you to the best of my abilities.

Payment in full is due at the time of booking.  There are no refunds for missed appointments, although they can be rescheduled provided you have given a minimum of 24 hours notice.

In our time together I will listen to what you would like me to work with, provide you with hypnosis, help you discover and focus on the supports you already have, and teach you self-hypnosis and other simple techniques to help yourself.  My goal is to help you manage without me sooner rather than later.

The first appointment typically lasts between 1.5 and 2 hours.  Subsequent sessions are generally 45—55 minutes.  The number of sessions required varies depending on what we are working with. 

What Clients Are Saying

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    “The way she really zoned in on what I was hoping to accomplish was phenomenal! She really drove home the points so that they can really stick.  I woke up feeling so full of energy and happy. It was a huge turnaround from the way my day had been going prior.”

    Comforty Hypnosis Client

  • ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

    Thank you so much for the lovely hypnosis experience. I was able to find a deep state of relaxation and enter into a level of consciousness that allowed me to sense a great releasing of old patterns and a feeling of confidence to move into new ways of conducting my work in the world. 

    Comfort Hypnosis Client

  • ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆

    Your session was very thorough, your tone was relaxing, and your guided imagery was very well done; I felt much better after!  Also, your rapport building was quite solid and felt very personable.

    Comfort Hypnosis Client